I have had massive trouble with my internet service provider though, which is unfortunate, and as a result I have been unable to upload my completed site on to the internet. After consulting customer services and a number of people familiar with making websites it has become clear that the problem is at my host's end, and not with my technical ability which is sort of comforting, but mostly just frustrating. As a result of the site not being online, I cannot yet embed the Flash photo galleries I've made into the main site since I need the live web addresses and the HTML of their pages to embed them into. I do have all the completed constiuent parts of my site to present to the group tomorrow though. Below I have inserted a few new images - the front page of my site (which links to the main index page shown earlier) and also the front and back of a business card I have designed and ordered prints of to help publicise my site. There are also two versions of a banner that I've made so that my friends in the burlesque world can put a link to my site on their sites to help increase my traffic.