Monday 27 April 2009

Light Sequencing...

I have been working on an After Effects animation to send to the workshop showing the light sequencing I want for the sign.
Below is a sample of the sequencing for the circuit of bulbs outlining the heart element of the sign. The "DIVINE" lettering bulbs and neon beams are to be wired on separate circuits that will each have their own sequencing - I will add these to the animation and post the completed version later.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Flyer and poster work

I met with Oz again yesterday to go over the latest work I'd done on flyer and poster ideas. He had originally wanted to go with Edwardian and Victorian imagery which I have tried out in the flyer design posted below, but was really excited by another design I put together inspired by the covers of 1940s and 50s smutty magazine EYEFUL. Here's a picture of an EYEFUL cover for reference:

He's decided he'd like to use the EYEFUL style layout as a poster for the club, and the other design as a flyer.

Below are the work in progress versions of the two layouts:

The flyer incorporates an image of Edwardian actress Gabrielle Ray posing with a bull whip. Oz had said that he wanted to find imagery that would remind people of the darker, naughtier side of the 'olden days' and we both agreed that this image worked very well. I now need to find (or probably buy) a good high res version of it.
Edwardian and Victorian imagery has been used a lot in burlesque club graphics but we came up with the idea of combining it with fluoro colours and punkish ransom note style 'cut-out' text along the lines of the Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks cover to create a completely different feel. I have never seen this combination used before in the context of burlesque and cabaret promotion design (fluoro colours are almost completely absent in this genre!) so hopefully these layouts will be intriguing and compelling to prospective customers. Ideally we would like to find more images of this feel that could be used to make a series of flyers, perhaps each using a different fluoro colour for the text and logo.

Both layouts feature new versions of the logo I've been working on, injected with some bright colours to complement the designs.
We decided that logo didn't need to have a fixed colour and could instead be adapted to work with any colour scheme. Here are a few examples:

Oz is also interested in possibly collaborating with Tank, ID or Love magazine (all of which he has contacts with) to organise a photo shoot in the style of EYEFUL using the performers appearing at Theatre of the Divine as models. The images would be shot in black and white and hand coloured to create an authentic vintage look.

Friday 10 April 2009

Date and Venue Change!!

Oz has been having a lot of problems with the owner of the 20th Century Theatre and has come to the conclusion that it will be best to go with a different venue.
I suggested that he might try Bush Hall (another old music hall with a period feel to the interior, similar to the 20th Century but more opulent!) in Shepherd's Bush, and Oz had just informed me that we now have a booking there for the 6th of June!
This is great news because now we have a lot more time to work on promotion for the club and the sign manufacture won't be rushed either.
Here are a couple of images of the interior at Bush Hall: