Thursday 5 June 2008

Completed site!

My site is now pretty much complete. I've made it entirely using Flash and I'm pleased that I've managed to achieve almost exactly what I had in mind to start with.
I have had massive trouble with my internet service provider though, which is unfortunate, and as a result I have been unable to upload my completed site on to the internet. After consulting customer services and a number of people familiar with making websites it has become clear that the problem is at my host's end, and not with my technical ability which is sort of comforting, but mostly just frustrating. As a result of the site not being online, I cannot yet embed the Flash photo galleries I've made into the main site since I need the live web addresses and the HTML of their pages to embed them into. I do have all the completed constiuent parts of my site to present to the group tomorrow though. Below I have inserted a few new images - the front page of my site (which links to the main index page shown earlier) and also the front and back of a business card I have designed and ordered prints of to help publicise my site. There are also two versions of a banner that I've made so that my friends in the burlesque world can put a link to my site on their sites to help increase my traffic.

Thursday 22 May 2008

web site work continues...

After consulting our technician at college and describing what I want from my website, he advised me that Flash would be the best program to use to achieve the effects I'm looking for.
I have been studying a Flash text book to improve my skills in using the program, and have been working on constructing the page that I have in mind. Though there are some draw backs to having a completely Flash based site, I don't think this would be a problem for the kind of page that I want to build. It will have relatively few sub pages, none of which would need to be bookmarked independently, and is mainly picture based rather than incorporating a lot of text. Flash is well suited to creating the types of display that I want, and is highly appropriate to the genre my page will belong to.

Unfortunately, I cannot upload Flash SWF files onto my blog to show the animation work I have made so far.
Below is a screen shot of the file - I have adjusted the original layout slightly by elongating the size to accommodate a larger picture viewer, and have added two more links to the side menu which I think would be useful to the site.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Summer term: self-directed project

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The finished article...

And here's the finished version:

Saturday 23 February 2008

Into After Effects

I've started to combine the hand drawn animation with still images in After Effects. Here's the first Quick time movie I've exported from the project file:

Hand drawn frame test...

Here's the quick time movie of the first 80 hand drawn frames I made, photographed on a rostrum camera, extracted in Photoshop and imported into After Effects...

Friday 15 February 2008

Moving Image / Exploring Narrative

"Develop a short piece of moving image work based around the notion of the city and its many narratives."

The first thought that came to me on considering the city around me, was my experience of public transport on my journey to college on the morning of the brief. It had been a particularly unpleasant journey on a very crowded train, with dozens of people pushing and shoving... I started to think about the way people behave when they're travelling. Generally, they're in a rush, and their main concern is to get themselves to their destination as quickly as possible, at the cost of anyone else. There is also a convention in our city that no one talks to anyone that they don't know when they're on public transport. They don't usually even make eye contact... If I were to strike up a conversation with a passenger I'd never met before, no matter how friendly my words were, I would be considered eccentric. This depressed me. Why are people so unfriendly when they're travelling? In fact, why are they so unfriendly most of the time.
I decided I wanted to make a moving image piece to express how alienating and unfriendly the city can be. I would stick to the theme of travel, and try to replicate the experiences I've had travelling on crowded trains.
I started by taking my camera on my next train journey, and taking as many photos as I could. I also took some film, but after looking back at the images, I preferred the effect of the still images taken in succession creating jerky, disjointed movement.
I would need a protagonist - a character to experience and thereby express the alienation I'd felt... I didn't want to use a real person, so I decided I'd work with a hand drawn character, creating an animation of him to lay over the photographic moving images I'd created. I liked the idea of a very small, cartoon-like character trying to travel on a train, and having a hard time - being jostled and pushed about. I also liked the idea of no one paying any attention to this strange character - I thought this would express people's apathy to each other quite well - they're so switched off they don't even notice a tiny animal trying to make a journey on the same train as them.

Here's a photoshop file I made to show how my character will look in the photographic world:

He's sitting on the station platform looking dejected.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

First and Last...

For the First and Last magazine brief, I had to create a double spread to the theme of these two quotes:

“Rorschach’s Journal, October 12th, 1985.”
“I leave it entirely in your hands.”

- the first and last lines of the DC Comics Graphic novel, Watchmen, by writer Alan Moore and Illustrator/letterer Dave Gibbons.

I made the following double page layout using InDesign: