Tuesday 24 March 2009

Second meeting with club organiser

I met with Oz Best, the club organiser yesterday, and showed him my design for the sign. He seems to really really like it, which is great! So much so, in fact that he now wants me to pretty much take over designing flyers and invitations for the club. He's had a few ideas already which he showed me but doesn't know how to use Photoshop or any of the design programs so I'm going to help recreate some of his ideas and also integrate a logo based on the sacred heart sign which I'm currently working on. The logo could also be made into a rubber stamp and/or wax seal used to customise invitations.

Oz has also told me that due to some over-booking at the theatre our opening night (currently booked for the 4th of May) might have to be postponed to late May or early June - this would suit me very well as it would allow more time to ensure that the sign is manufactured perfectly and to work on the other promotional designs for the club. He's going to let me know what's been decided as soon as he can.
Just to be on the safe side I have told Imageworx that I need the sign to be finished by the 1st of May so that if the opening night date doesn't change I'll still have it ready. Luckily they don't seem to think this would be a problem even after I explained in a lot of demanding detail exactly what I want - even if I do have to have it ready for the 4th of May it seems I won't have to compromise on the finish and full function of the sign, which is good to know.

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