I've just received the live photos from Wednesday night from my photographers Laura Billing and Tom Medwell. I'm very pleased with how they've turned out! I think they document the event very well - here are a few of my favourites:
I have also received the live footage from the night, filmed by director Luke Blair, which I am very pleased with. The file is too large to be posted up here but will be submitted on disk on the 2nd of June!
The club last night was a big success!! There was a bigger crowd than I expected, and I made over £200 on the door which was a nice bonus. The burlesque acts were received very well indeed and the sign looked wonderful installed at the back of the stage. I got a great deal of very good feedback from the club owners and staff who really enjoyed the show and appreciated the crowd it pulled in. It was particularly rewarding to hear the reaction of "Wow!!" from so many of the guests stepping into the space and seeing the sign for the first time! I also received a comment that the sign "Really added an extra element to the performances and made them even more special" which was exactly what I had intended, and was wonderful to hear.
The only slight problem was that I was unable to install the fluorescent tubes around the heart. The wall surface was too uneven to support them, which was a problem I had anticipated - I had hoped we might be able to find a way around it but unfortunately it wasn't possible. Due to the time and budget constraints caused by Oz pulling out of the organisation and funding of the night I had to go with whatever venue I could get for free as quickly as possible. Though the set up wasn't completely ideal at Favela Chic I thought that the decor and ambiance would more than make up for it even if it did turn out to be impossible to install the tubes. I believe I was right - the sign looked fantastic installed on the drift wood covered back wall of the club - perhaps even better than if it had been on a plain flat surface along with the tubes. I have just received the first lot of pictures back from one of my photographers, Tom Medwell including a few that I took using his camera:
More to follow soon!
I am extremely pleased with how the night went, and am seriously considering making it a regular event - I will be discussing this with the people at Favela Chic.
Today I have been making the final arrangements for the club tomorrow... Exciting! I have confirmed my stage hire booking with PF Events who will be supplying me with an 8x8ft stage (made up of two 8x4ft decks); I have bought a variety of screws and rawl plugs from my local DIY shop to use when installing the sign and have gathered together necessary tools and an extension lead, just in case; I have burned disks of music and made a few last minute costume additions, and have packed up everything ready to go in the morning. I am aiming to get to Favela Chic at 2pm (the earliest the staff arrive after their late night shifts) to install the sign. The stage will be arriving at 4, and the venue will open at 5 or 6.
Here are a few more shots I've taken of the sign in my front room - making the most of the sunny weather this weekend! The sunlight really brings out the glitter in the paint job and these shots get across the finish of the sign a lot better than some of the previous ones...
Last night I delivered a large chunk of flyers to Favela Chic for them to give out to customers. I also handed out quite a few to people I met out and about in Hoxton where I was working that night. I plan to hand out more over the next few days, and well as send out reminders on Facebook and Myspace to try and secure as many guests as possible!
The sign has arrived! I have unwrapped it and examined it in minute detail and everything is exactly as I specified! It is difficult to convey in photographs just how luxurious the finish is - it has been extremely well manufactured and every part of it is strong and sturdy and polished. The paint job in particular is immaculate - extremely glittery, very smooth and high gloss. The glitter in particular does not show up well on camera and has to be seen first hand to be fully appreciated!
I have received a paper template to help position the fluorescent tubes in the correct position, a large control unit with numbered wires that correspond to the appropriate fluorescent tubes, spare bulbs, tubes and bulb shades (the faceted cabochons) and also an alternate set of shades for the outside of the heart in case I want to change the white shades to transparent ones at a later date.
I am extremely impressed by how well the sign has been made to my specifications and how quickly this has been achieved. I'm very happy!
Here are some pictures of the sing being upwrapped, some close ups of the finish (still not doing it justice) and some shots of it switched one:
Below is a video of my first test of the fluoro tubes - one has the red gel slipped on to show how they'll all look when installed, the rest were left plain to save time.
And here are a few videos showing the different stages of sequencing of the heart bulbs:
There is a cycle of several different sequences which takes 2 minutes to complete. I showed my original animation to Rhys last week and then discussed further ideas for the bulb sequencing - on switching on today I have received everything I wanted and more, and am extremely impressed!
Here are the final manufacturing pictures of the sign, including images of it completed and switched on! It's now been packed up and will be brought over to me tomorrow. Joy!!
I've just received some more pictures from Rhys at the workshop showing the glitter paint job on the heart, which looks great! He's also sent over images of the red gelled fluorescent tubes illuminated (aparently they don't look pink like they do in the picture, but are a very deep red) arranged on top of a paper template he's prepared to help position the tubes in the correct places around the heart when it's installed. He's also included images of the wall brackets for attaching the sign to the wall, the wiring inside the sign for powering the letter bulbs, and the scale print out to ensure that the letters are positioned perfectly on the heart.
Hello! My name is Miranda Barrie and I've recently graduated from Chelsea College of Art's Graphic Design course. This blog documents some of the projects I worked on during the course and my current free lance work. Take a look, and if you're interested in contacting me, my email address is: miranda.barrie@googlemail.com