I have received a paper template to help position the fluorescent tubes in the correct position, a large control unit with numbered wires that correspond to the appropriate fluorescent tubes, spare bulbs, tubes and bulb shades (the faceted cabochons) and also an alternate set of shades for the outside of the heart in case I want to change the white shades to transparent ones at a later date.
I am extremely impressed by how well the sign has been made to my specifications and how quickly this has been achieved. I'm very happy!
Here are some pictures of the sing being upwrapped, some close ups of the finish (still not doing it justice) and some shots of it switched one:
Below is a video of my first test of the fluoro tubes - one has the red gel slipped on to show how they'll all look when installed, the rest were left plain to save time.
And here are a few videos showing the different stages of sequencing of the heart bulbs:
There is a cycle of several different sequences which takes 2 minutes to complete. I showed my original animation to Rhys last week and then discussed further ideas for the bulb sequencing - on switching on today I have received everything I wanted and more, and am extremely impressed!
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