Thursday 28 May 2009


The club last night was a big success!! There was a bigger crowd than I expected, and I made over £200 on the door which was a nice bonus. The burlesque acts were received very well indeed and the sign looked wonderful installed at the back of the stage. I got a great deal of very good feedback from the club owners and staff who really enjoyed the show and appreciated the crowd it pulled in. It was particularly rewarding to hear the reaction of "Wow!!" from so many of the guests stepping into the space and seeing the sign for the first time! I also received a comment that the sign "Really added an extra element to the performances and made them even more special" which was exactly what I had intended, and was wonderful to hear.

The only slight problem was that I was unable to install the fluorescent tubes around the heart. The wall surface was too uneven to support them, which was a problem I had anticipated - I had hoped we might be able to find a way around it but unfortunately it wasn't possible. Due to the time and budget constraints caused by Oz pulling out of the organisation and funding of the night I had to go with whatever venue I could get for free as quickly as possible. Though the set up wasn't completely ideal at Favela Chic I thought that the decor and ambiance would more than make up for it even if it did turn out to be impossible to install the tubes. I believe I was right - the sign looked fantastic installed on the drift wood covered back wall of the club - perhaps even better than if it had been on a plain flat surface along with the tubes. I have just received the first lot of pictures back from one of my photographers, Tom Medwell including a few that I took using his camera:

More to follow soon!

I am extremely pleased with how the night went, and am seriously considering making it a regular event - I will be discussing this with the people at Favela Chic.

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